Saturday, 6 August 2011

Igniting the flames...(Do I sound arsonist :)?)

No, I´m not an arson but... our flames need to be ignited quickly. All of you have shared with me the strong desire to participate in this new project and... and?? That is what I´m asking myself, "and?" Come on, pluck courage and just go to "Access", "New post" and let it happen!
"Let it be," The Beatles would say and remember what Coldplay affirms "lights will guide you home."
Looking forward to reading you all!
Kisses and see you soon


  1. hiiii!! finally here I am. You have not idea how hard was to sign in google account!!! you know I am not a very technological person, but well, here is Natalita jajj. late but safe!!!!
    This is my first post of the year.Be patient jajaja.
    Well, that all for know, I just wanted to intruduce myself in your blog, which is great!!!
    see you in a couple of hours!!
    Kisses, and Romi...... CARPE DIEM!!!!!

  2. well, it was time, so here is my contribution. This is the perfect song to hear on this Monday evening that taste like Sunday. just try the following link

    I'll expect your comments and if you enjoy it... she's coming to Argentina in November! :)

